Sunday, January 11, 2009

The MOLT CD RELEASE PARTY!! Friday, January 16th!!

Thinning the Herd with EASTER
at Tommy's Tavern
Friday, January 16, 2009, 9pm
1041 Manhattan Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11122

Hey, everyone! MOLT, Easter's debut album was made available to the public months ago, but we have been unable to properly celebrate its release until our awesome metalfriends Thinning the Herd offered us this weekend show with them in Brooklyn! MOLT took a long time to put together and Jon and I worked our asses off to get it done. For a time it took over our whole lives. But after much blood, sweat, crying, screaming and heavy lifting we did it - and we need to celebrate!!

Of course, our celebrating means nothing without our friends so PLEASE come out - we'd love to see you! You don't even have to buy our album because we will be giving it away FREE! And I don't know if there is a door charge, but if there is and you can't pay it come get me and I’ll get you in.

EASTER is the music of Jon Gill and Don Puglisi and can be heard at We have lots of shows, but this is a PARTY and we would love to celebrate with you!!

All of EASTER’s friends who have supported us in the past, come to our shows, read my annoying emails, given us critiques, helped us carry gear, bought us drinks, etc. You know who you are and YOU all are as responsible as we are for this album, the way I see it. Jon and I THANK YOU!! and we really hope you can make it to this party. Thanks and all love,

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