Saturday, May 06, 2006

"No one ever got rich by being a pessimist" Louis Rukeyser (January 30, 1933 – May 2, 2006)

...not that I ever really care to be rich, I wouldn't mind, of course. But for whatever reason I always feel like getting rich requires doing something horrible or something that sucks up your entire life so that you don't get to do anything you want to; or know anything other than what will make you rich. But I heard this saying this week in regard to the late Mr. Rukeyser and I thought, "Yeeeeaaah! Optimism, bitch!!!"

I feel like I've personally been at war with pessimism my whole life and I certainly know "pessimists" and the pessimists know the traits within themselves. But I've also learned that some people live very short lives full of anger, resentment, and constraint and fear. And, generally just don't seem happy. And the only reason I can see for us to practice pessimism is to draw attention to oursleves and our situation. It's the primal alarm all of us are capable of ringing. It says the world is going to shit so that someone else is like "Wanna talk about it, baby?"And in the current world - Yikes!!

But what really happens is we spread the exact same feelings to others, making everyone feel crummy and not getting rich. And we ourselves lead miserable, lonely lives in an only minimally changing and isolated America. And the most interesting things we do is argue and fight, somtimes violently and for dumb reasons. And with all of the things going on in the world that we really should try harder to change, something tells me humanity will still forge on though the impoverished, overheated future wasteland like giant, fat cockroaches driving trucks the size of houses.

I've heard pessimists say "I'm not pessimisstic - I'm realistic." Great, but what the fuck is real? Conan the Barbarian is Governor of California. Does that sound "real" to you?

Anyway, I'm not the best person to hear it from, but I think optimism is a good idea. Pessimism is annoying. And it's also just defeating yourself before other people even get a chance to do it with cruel insults. And that's what wusses do. You're not a wuss, are you!

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